About Dan Both
Web Developer


I'm an information technology engineer with strong leadership and team-work skills always looking for new challenges in web development.

Front End Development

I create websites that allow the user to experience your website in the best and most appropriate way suited to the device they are using. The website I create is delivered with a responsive layout that can make best use of the space available on the smallest to largest devices regardless of browser use by your visitors. Your website will detect any browsers and display your content accordantly, providing a solid experience and enhance the users time spent on your site. In order to achieve my goals I'm using the following programming languages: PHP, CSS, ASP, HTML, JAVA but not limited to.

Back End Development

I often make use of PHP to allow for content management of many of the sites I create.

Design and other skills

I call myself a Front End Developer, but I have a history of web design work as well. In my industry, it is best to concentrate on one aspect of creating a website but having applicable knowledge of other areas such as design and back end, it must be a plus for me and eventual my websites. I'm comfortable working with imagine editors, color pickers and video editors, but my favorite is to write code.

Phone: +1 (909) 492-0112